Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Another Update From Aunt JennJenn

Hi Everyone. This is Aunt JennJenn again. I would also like to say "Thanks" to everyone who came out to the benefit for Dani Jo. It was nice to see friends and family, see old faces and meet new ones. I am posting a few new pictures of Dani Jo and a couple of Jordan and Jamie. Dani Jo is doing really well and is always full of smiles. I would like to ask each of you to pray for Joey and Amanda to have a safe trip to Florida. They are leaving tomorrow morning to go to the CCHS conference. It is a yearly conference for families of CCHS patients. They will be able to meet parents of other CCHS kids and some of the kids will be there too. There will also be doctors giving presentations on new findings for CCHS. Joey and Amanda will come back with tons of information to share with all of us. They will return late Saturday night. Please continue to pray for all of them as we can never have too many prayers.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hello everyone,

As you can see our little Dani Jo isn't quite so little anymore. She is growing more and more everyday! Everyone was excited to visit with Dani Jo at the Benefit. It was very hot but she seemed to do pretty good. The benefit was very successful with the help of our special friends, Dickie, Jane and Whitney for heading the benefit. We would love to thank each one personally for your support. God has truly blessed our family by sending so many our way.

Your support and prayers are why Dani Jo is here today. God has answered our prayers and will continue as His will sees fit. I would love to start a list to thank each by name, but I know I would leave some out and as much as each of you mean to my family I wouldn't want to leave any of you out. We love each of you more than you will ever know.

The way God has reached down His strong and mighty hand over our family is beyond comprehension. He has protected and watched over our family daily and with your uplifting prayers, We Thank YOU!

Please enjoy some of the benefit pictures above....